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Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA
名稱 Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA
更新時間 2023-09-25
特點(diǎn) Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA背景介紹: Mercodia Ultrasensitive C-peptide ELISA provides a method for the quantitative determination of human C-peptide in serum, plasma or urine.}
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Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA背景介紹:

Mercodia Ultrasensitive C-peptide ELISA provides a method for the quantitative determination of human C-peptide in serum, plasma or urine.

Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA  Summary and explanation of the test

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of pancreatic ?-cell function is not onlyof use in the pre and postdiagnostic study of the natural history of diabetesmellitus, but is also relevant in clinical practice as a guide to the correct choiceof treatment. Peripheral insulin levels cannot be used to assess ?-cell functionbecause of a large and variable uptake from the portal circulation into the liver,and because insulin assays cannot distinguish endogenous from exogenousinsulin.?Within the pancreatic ?-cell, proinsulin is cleaved into one molecule ofC-peptide and one molecule of insulin. C-peptide is subsequently released intothe circulation at concentrations equimolar to those of insulin. In contrast toinsulin, C-peptide is only minimally extracted by the liver. Peripheral C-peptideconcentrations therefore reflect the secretion of ?-cells more accurately thaninsulin.

Ultrasensitive C-peptide EIA Principle of the procedure

Mercodia Ultrasensitive C-peptide ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzymeimmunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which twomonoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinantson the C-peptide molecule. During incubation C-peptide in the sample reactswith anti-C-peptide antibodies bound to the microtitration well. After washing,peroxidase conjugated anti-C-peptide antibodies are added. After a secondincubation and a simple washing step, the bound conjugate is detected byreaction with 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). The reaction is stopped byadding acid to give a colorimetric endpoint that is read spectrophotometrically.

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